Knowledge. Experience. Reputation. Results. Our work began over 25 years ago as part of an effort to assist a Fortune 500 company achieve mandated compliance goals. Through this experience and many others since, we’ve evolved into a leading-edge consulting firm providing compliance assurance services. We provide solutions and vital knowledge needed to protect and enhance long-term brand value.

Progressive Management Resources, Inc. (PMR) has over 25 years of unparalleled experience assisting corporations and organizations. We specialize in providing innovative services that can reduce exposure to liability, improve quality and positively impact the bottom line.
Our work has spanned across a broad spectrum of consumer and employee-related issues. We have assisted organizations both large and small assess and achieve their compliance and quality assurance goals. We are a resource for progress.

As part of our work with Fortune 100 and 500 brands as well as numerous government agencies, our approach, methodologies and results have been universally praised. We’ve earned a reputation for thoroughness, efficiency, and quality.

Heidi-Jane Olguin
CEO and founder of Progressive Management Resources, Inc.,
Some of the brands we have worked with
Big or small, we tailor our services to be exactly the right fit. We have worked with a wide array of organizations across numerous industries:
- AppleOne,
- California Department of Corporations
- CalArts
- Center for Responsible Lending
- Cracker Barrel Old Country Stores, Inc.
- Del Taco
- Denny’s Restaurants
- DS Waters of America (Sparkletts)
- Facey Medical Group
- Fannie Mae
- Garfield Medical Center
- Investment Concepts, Inc.
- Jani-King of California, Inc.
- Minh Development and Management, LLC
- Neighborhood Legal Services, Inc
- Hilton Los Angeles/San Gabriel
- Nationwide Insurance
- ResCom Services, Inc.
- Six Flags Theme Park, Inc.
- Urban Institute
- U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
- U.S. Department of Justice
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- Winco Foods